Python Slices
Python’s slices are cool, just read on.
Everyone used them one way or another, i.e. myarray[2]
is actually slicing. Slices are 0 based, reasons:
- Easy to see slice length when only stop position is given.
- Easy to compute length - subtract stop - start.
- Easy to split sequence without overlapping -
my_list[:x], my_list[x:]
Slices have the following notation:
s[a : b : c]
where a and are start/end position, and c is a step. Step also can be negative, which reverses items.
l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Out: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Out: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
objects, i.e. x[1:2]
is equivalent to x.__getitem__(slice(1, 2))
. But x[2]
is equivalent to x.__getitem__(slice(2, 3))
. So it does definitely make the syntax shorter, also leaving space for flexibility.
One of the practical cases of why you would want to use a slice
object for is the following. Suppose you need to parse a table with size, name and price of pizzas, the look like the following:
14 Meatfest 10
12 Meatfest 8
you know that size is the first two characters, title comes in the space of 3-14 chars, and pice is last two characters from 14 to 16. Having said that, you can express the solution in the following pythonic way:
line = "14 Meatfest 10"
SIZE = slice(0, 2)
TITLE = slice(3, 14)
PRICE = slice(14, 16)
Out[34]: '14'
Out[35]: 'Meatfest '
Out[36]: '10'
You can assign to slices as well, which modifies underlying collection in place. One interesting thing about it is that source and target slice do not have to be of a matching length. For instance
x = list(range(10))
x[2:5] = [20, 30]
results in [0, 1, 20, 30, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
, because you are assigning 2 elements to a 3-element slice, and one of the elements just disappears.
Multiplication simply duplicates the slice, i.e. x * 2
becomes [0, 1, 20, 30, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 20, 30, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
. For some strange reason multiplying by negative number results in an empty list. note that multiplication always creates a new object.
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